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Isomorphic to \((\mathbb Z \times\mathbb Z )\,\big/\langle(1,2)\rangle\)

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:49 am
by Grigorios Kostakos
Which group is isomorphic to the quotient group \(({\mathbb{Z}}\times{\mathbb{Z}})\big/\langle{(1,2)}\rangle\) , where \(\langle{(1,2)}\rangle\) is the normal subgroup of \({\mathbb{Z}}\times{\mathbb{Z}}\) generated by \((1,2)\) ? Justify your answer.

Re: Isomorphic to \((\mathbb Z \times\mathbb Z )\,\big/\langle(1,2)\rangle\)

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:51 am
by Grigorios Kostakos
We give a solution:

The function \(f:{\mathbb{Z}}\times{\mathbb{Z}}\longrightarrow\mathbb{Z}\) defined as \[f((m,n))=2m-n\,,\] it is a well defined epimorphism (surjective homomorphism) with \begin{align*}
So, by the 1st Isomorphism theorem we have that \(({\mathbb{Z}}\times{\mathbb{Z}})\big/\bigl\langle{(1,2)}\bigr\rangle\cong\mathbb{Z}\,.\)